Webinar: Integrating ESG Ratings in your TPRM Program


Aug 2, 2022

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Supply Wisdom is hosting a panel discussion featuring Dawn Tiura, President and CEO, Sourcing Industry Group (SIG), and Michael Rasmussen, The GRC Pundit, GRC 2020, and moderated by Sandeep Suresh, Head of Operations and Technology, Supply Wisdom.

With the SEC’s proposed climate disclosures on the horizon, particularly Scope 3 and its effect on supply chains, a lot of firms are building their ESG programs in response. But there is more to ESG than just climate reporting. Social and governance-related metrics today have a significant bearing on a company’s ESG perception and performance. They also pose potential risks to reputation. They are also harder to measure, especially because many factors can be location-dependent.

The state of ESG across the sourcing and supply chains will directly impact resilience and competitive advantage. In this webinar, experts will discuss what this means for companies and why the Procurement and TPRM functions are natural fits for an externally focused ESG program.

Key Takeaways

  • Third-party intelligence as a cornerstone for your TPRM program

  • The role of ESG in third-party risk management

  • A frameworks-based approach for ESG ratings

  • A unified view of risk from your third parties

Date: Aug 31, 2022

Time: 12 PM ET/9 AM PT


Dawn Tiura, President and CEO, Sourcing Industry Group (SIG)
Michael Rasmussen, The GRC Pundit, GRC 2020
Sandeep Suresh, Head of Operations and Technology, Supply Wisdom

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